Random Monologue

Sometimes, we didn’t do things that we should do, and let other things disturbed our plan. Yeah, like now, i’m just sitting on my desk and writing blog instead of doing my task. Just typical of common person do, procrastinate. However, just like another common reason, I will claim it’s self-reward for this holiday session….

Working story

It has been a while since the last time I wrote my blog. Maybe it’s because I just don’t have any idea about what the topic that I should write. I want to write about something interesting, but unfortunately the result is just about me and me, haha.. Hmm, but I think it’s okay, since…

life is soooo good

Once again, thanks God, for this beautiful life, beautiful people, and beautiful world.. I couldn’t ask more.. 🙂 Bersyukur.. Itu hal yang seharusnya dilakukan oleh seorang manusia, gimana nggak, Allah sudah memberikan nikmat hidup yang luar biasa.. Bukan klise atau apa, tapi coba kita mejamin mata sejenak, pikirkan semua anugerah yang ada dalam hidup kita…..

kangeeeeen fasilkom(?)

Damn.. Judulnya galau banget xD hahhaaa Tapi, gw emang bener bener kangen.. Kangeeeeen bgt sama FASILKOM.. Gw kangen kehidupan di kampus.. Gw kangen orang-orangnya, mulai dari sahabat-sahabat yg bener bener deket, tmen tmen ketawa bareng, ultra, jagung, kangkung, dan smua angkatan, dosen, satpam, mas mbak kantin, I really miss them.. Ramah dan bersahabat.. Gw kangen…

January’ 12

the most stressful, busiest, happiest month ever 😀 thanks for everything january :’)